The database class contains many methods for working with a query’s result set. One of the most useful one would be loadObjectList
. The syntax of loadObjectList
is: loadObjectList ( $key )
, this returns an array of database objects using the current SQL query. Returns false if the query fails. If the $key parameter is set, the array is indexed using the values of the field specified by key. Otherwise, the array is indexed sequentially.
The reason I say this is a really handy function is because we always retrieves a list of results belongs to a certain category. For example, if we want to get all category titles from database jos_categories where section equals to 1, and list them out. This can be done by using the following method:
// Get a database object
= JFactory::getDBO();
= "SELECT * FROM #__categories
WHERE section = 1";
// Executes the current SQL query string.
// returns the array of database objects
// create the list of titles
) {
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